our clients
results are
Our clients have:
💎 Experienced massive emotional growth and healthy release that has allowed them to naturally evolutionize their business
💎 Gained clarity and confidence to easily communicate their brand and attract soulmate clients
💎 Begun a podcast and started making 1-on-1 sales with her audience
💎 Been able to publish, launch, and sell her book to the masses
💎 Gained so much clarity, she made her first 13k in her 4th month of business

“CECILIA has helped me hone in on what’s important to me. Without her strategy, experience and her knowledge, and especially her compassion, I still would be derailed. She has helped me find the strength within myself to change my life and discover ways to heal my story”.
“CHERYL intuitively put together my branding ... selecting the colors and designing my Phoenix to match my personality and the versatility in the design so that it grows with me.
The branding is ME and it’s uniqueness will stand the test of my growth.
Working with CHERYL is effortless and I feel comfortable knowing that she creates what is in my best interest.”

I’m insanely grateful to have crossed paths with Cheryl.
Prior to meeting her I was very lost in my business. Rich in spiritual offerings to serve with but was like an artist with paintings piled up in the corner of a room but nowhere to hang them. Then I met Cheryl and it’s like she gave me my own gallery!
She wanted to integrate intuitive gifts into her business and realized that could be a great direction for my business, helping women and business owners develop spiritual gifts so they can serve their clients on a deeper level. This lit me
up so much!! More than I had ever been in my business.
Between her business branding guidance and the amazing logo and graphic design, I finally developed the confidence to put myself out there in ways I never had before. With this confidence and direction, I finally started monetizing my business. Soon after the monetization started, the scaling happened.
I launched my first high ticket offering and did $13.2K in sales in the first go. I’m so grateful for the beautiful graphics she made for me…it’s made my job so much easier. Thank you for lighting up and up-leveling my life, Cheryl!!!

“Cecilia you are so passionate and so in tune and so in touch. I could feel that you were in touch with my feelings immediately. And I had a sense that you understood how I felt and where I felt it. Cecilia took me back to my childhood and we did a lot of work on wounds that weren’t healed. I felt inspired by you and I really feel like you have my back and my best interests at heart. Cecilia is fantastic, you will not regret it.”
“I am so happy that I decided to work with Cheryl for my branding. She gave me exactly what I asked for and more!
She has an exceptional eye for color and design - I’m so in love with my new logo!
Cheryl will help guide you with all of your
branding needs. I look forward to continuing to work with her.”

As a heart based entrepreneur and transformational coach, I loved my work but did not know how to articulate it clearly until I found Cheryl. She has helped me not only to clarify my message and understand my audience, but she has helped me to find my authentic voice through my aligned branding. From my logo, to my photos, video and brand look and feel, Cheryl captured the heart of who I am instead of who I thought I had to be. She dug past all my fears about being seen and was the first person to truly instill the confidence I needed to feel good about me and my work. She is more than just a expert social media marketer and creative branding strategist. She is full of love and respect for her clients and believes in them more than they do. That is a gift! Don't wait. Get in touch with Cheryl. She is life changing!

“I’ve been in the entrepreneur space for a couple years now and what has been holding me back is design. I would spend HOURS attempting to create something that felt aligned to me and nothing fit. A couple months ago, I was fed up with it. I finally felt aligned with my niche and with myself and I had met Cheryl in a program we were in together. I messaged her about creating some graphics for an offer that I wanted to put out there. And I realized that I was rebranding and needed a logo. Cheryl is AMAZING to work with. She would spend so much time getting on calls with me to talk to me about my business and my brand. She worked with me every step of the way to make sure that I was aligned with everything that she was creating. She looked at my content and got a feel for who I am so that she could create something powerful for my brand. She did not disappoint! I have never felt so aligned with a design before. Honestly, I feel a bit like a million dollar brand with my new logo, website graphics and templates for my courses and human design readings. I had ordered some graphics in the past from designers and felt like it was a waste of money. The previous graphics were not in line with my brand/vision. Working with Cheryl has allowed what is inside of me to come to light! I highly recommend working with her, especially if you are not sure what you want your brand to look like. She is incredibly talented.”

“I feel so blessed!! Cheryl Geonanga did an amazing job on my group cover and daily posts!! I gave her so little cause I’m new and still learning and she took my vision and made it real!! Even gave me options to pick from. I know where I’m going when I need graphics.”

“Dear Cecilia, your soul healing has provoked physical healing by enabling me to undo burdens, and get rid of unnecessary baggage. The results are magical...happiness, lightness and an overall sense of well-being. Thank yous are not enough to express my gratitude. Returning tons of love in my journey to recovery.”

“I think Cecilia is the best possible coach. Her interpersonal skills are off the charts. She is extremely warm and has a unique ability to empathize with what you are going through. She was able to establish a lot of trust, so much so, I divulged my deepest secrets that I couldn’t tell anyone else. She has the ability to change your life like she has changed mine. What are you waiting for?”

“Cecilia is so eager to help with her knowledge,her experience, with her magnetic energy, so pure and so ready to help. I met her at one of the most vulnerable moments in my life. She looked out for my higher good with no judgment and so much kindness. She was the only one who could keep me focused and aligned with my goals.”

“I couldn’t get past some trauma from my childhood until I met Cecilia. She was able to help me heal my past, value myself in the present and give me the confidence and courage that I needed to become successful in my life.”

“Working with Cecilia has been a game changer both personally and professionally. She is able to look at each individual and find what is uniquely beautiful and authentically show it to you. She literally will shine a flashlight in your eyes until you can’t avoid that light anymore.”

“Even after the first session I felt more at ease with myself and more confident. Cecilia has a light and an energy that is contagious and you can’t help but feel better. The tools she gives you are extremely easy to follow but so effective. I just can’t thank her enough for helping me find myself again.”